main>missionStatment>what we do

For Teachers: Since its inception, Ocean of Know has worked in public and private schools to bring multi-disciplinary, interactive tools into the professional development programs we offer to teachers to give them the tools they need to inspire their students and design and implement standard based, hands-on lessons that work to bring back to their classrooms. Our workshops leave participants with a deep understanding of how technology has transformed and enriched their role in the classroom, taking them from transmitter of information to facilitator and mentor in the process of discovery. Through these professional development workshops, our goal is to train teachers to integrate the best pedagogical
practices into their lessons, using technology as seamlessly as they do books and other more traditional tools.

Peer Review is an integral part of the professional development process at Ocean of Know. Our teachers have found it invaluable aid to their professional growth. Principals find that teachers who learn these skills become real leaders and mentors to their colleagues, strengthening the collegial atmosphere among their faculty.
Students: We work with k-12 students in a wide variety of settings and find that the unique educational hybrid model we offer offers lasting benefits to students at every skill level, at every level of English language proficiency and without regard to their previous experience with computers or other technology. The farm is an intrinsically motivating, intrinsically reinforcing environment where students learn and truly internalize the lessons they learn. The high level of student involvement is the key to success