Learning Context:
Introduction: students make two different kinds of prisms out of the same sheet of paper and then calculate how many centimeter cubes would be needed to fill each prism.
Teacher objective: Students will understand the basic principles of volume. The concept of volume tells you how much space a package occupies and how much it might weigh. Weight and space are important factors for measuring volume. Explain that well surface area is a measure of the boundary of a solid, volume is a measure of space inside a solid.
Student objective: students will be able to determine the volume of the rectangular prism.
Time Required: 2 Days: 45 minute period
Standard 3 - Mathematics
Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-world settings, and by solving problems through the integrated study of number systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability, and trigonometry.
Students use measurement in real-world situations
Performance Indicators
- use appropriate standard and nonstandard measurement tools in measurement activities.
- understand the simple attributes of length, weight, volume, time, and temperature.
- measure the length or volume of an object
- collect and display simple data.
New York City Performance Standards
M2 Geometry and Measurement Concepts
M2a Be familiar with assorted two - and three - dimensional objects.
M2d Determine and understand length, area, and volume.
M6 Mathematical Skills and Tools
M6 b Know and use the correct order of operations for arithmetic computations