Young Macdonald's Farm


My Summer at Young McDonalds Farm:

I learned many things this summer at the farm. Some of my activities included farming, fishing, fish farming, robotics,
rockets and built a bird house.

On the farm I planted sunflowers, dasiies, corn,tomatos. I weeded the farm all summer so that my plants would not be
killed by weeds. I tests Ph levels in the soil to make sure the ground was right for my tomato plants which need a Ph of
6.2 to 6.8. I also check the water levels in my soil. I have harvested 6 pounds of tomatos.

I am most interested in the real robot at the farm because I never through that I would make a real robot! I would like to
design a robot that can feed the fish. I want to be able to dial in from My school , MS 206 B, to feed the fish. I would
also like to have a fish farm at school as well.

This summer I conducted water tests at YMF. I tested the fish tanks for Ph Levels ran about 8.0.

I also tested for nitriates and amoinia levels in the water.

I would like to keep coming up to Young McDonalds Farm. I have many projects here that I would like to keep working
on. I also have fun up here with my friends!
