Young Macdonald's Farm

Water Quality

Remote management of system-water quality
Primary investigators will work with existing communications systems, improving those systems and inventing new communication systems to realize their goals.
You will have a partner with a fish farm and an effective communications system at a remote location to work with you on this problem. Issues of communication will be solved with telecommunications scenarios such as e-mail, remote sensors, ISDN video teleconferencing, telerobotics through videoteleconferencing and the WWW.
Primary investigators will use the WWW not only for researching existing information , but also to contribute to that information with their findings through publishing their multi media reports on the WWW.

Local water quality management-
Water quality monitoring begins with observing your fish because they will often, by their actions, tell you about many problems. When you are inexperienced, this can be a problem. What does constitute proper behavior for fish? The way to determine this is to write down your observations of day to day fish behavior, along with your daily recording of the test data on your system. So a systematic monitoring of both the water quality and fish behavior will pay dividends at a later time. Please note the water quality forms have a place for such observations.
The equipment you use is a matter of preference and budget. A kit that will allow you to test oxygen, nitrite, carbon dioxide, alkalinity, ammonia, and chlorides is essential. Most kits contain some version of the Wrinkle method of testing oxygen which is good, but very time consuming and oxygen requires several tests per day so if budgets permit an oxygen meter is a good investment. An Imhoff cone is useful to determine the solids in your system and a good thermometer.
In considering the individual water quality parameters please keep in mind what effect they might have on the species and the biofilter will be altered by other aspects of water quality occurring at the same time. (Example: ammonia values that are lethal at a pH of 8 are harmless at a pH of 7.2)When testing keep in mind that you are dealing with two different living systems, the species you are culturing and also the bacteria in the biofilter. Do not get too excited if one or more of your parameters seem high or low. In correcting those do so gradually giving both biofilter and the species a chance to adapt to the new conditions. The possible expectation to this is low D.O. if this is very low it should be raised as quickly as possible.
Remote water quality management- will be done through several methods.
The first will be remote sensors. Primary investigators will be able to dial in with a modem computer and software to read pH levels, O2 levels and tempter. Nitrite, carbon dioxide, alkalinity, and ammonia, levels will be given by the partner at Young McDonalds Farm and conveyed via e-mail , telephone, video teleconferencing and fax. Observations will be achieved by the Primary investigators dialing in and using existing tele-video-underwater robots to see the fish for them selves. On line microscopes will also be available via WWW and videoteleconferencing.