Young Macdonald's Farm

PH -- Lesson Plan #2
Checking different pH levels

Students will use the pH scale to check water samples that contain a range from 2.2 (lemon Juice) to 12.4 (lime Juice)

To show students how to use a pH scale and test comminuted water

pH Kit
Distilled water
Tap water
Baking soda

Demonstrate how to use a pH kit
Give students a sample of distilled water and have them check the pH level 7.0
Draw a pH scale on the chalk board numbered 0 to 14
Showing students 7 is neutral on the pH scale

pH Base 0-------------------neutral 7------------------Base 14

Make Mixtures of sampled water
With the following ingredients:
Setup 5 separate beakers each with 8 oz of water
3 drops of lime juice to beaker #1
3 drops of lemon juice to beaker #2
3 drops of vinegar to beaker #3
3 drops of ammoniate beaker #4
1/2 table spoon of baking soda to beaker #5

Have students use pH kit to sample all of the water in beakers 1 through 5
Have student s record their answers on data table

Have students clean up work area
Start to have students explain their results

Use the pH scale on the chalk board to label students results

Discussion questions
1. Which was the lowest reading you had on the pH scale? (2.2 lemon juice)
Is this and acid or a base? Then explain why.
2. Which was the highest reading you had on the pH scale?
(12.4 lime juice) Is this and acid or a base? Then explain why.
3. Why do we need to know is something is an acid or a base from the pH scale?
4. Why is it important to understand the difference between acid, neutral or base
when it comes to rain?

Science Teacher: Mark Talty