The Vegetable Garden

Learning Context

The Vegetable Garden project will allow our students to show authentic achievement in Math,Science and Language Arts. The students will use their prior knowledge about vegetables and about gardening in general. The students will investigate various websites, books and gardening manuals.They will plan and execute the building of a permanent vegetable garden on an unused plot of land on the school grounds. Students of different abilities will be able to achieve success through the use of cooperative groups and also by incorporating technology into the overall plan. As a result of this experience the students will be able to:
*measure and map out an area for the vegetable garden
*decide which plants will be included in the garden
*identify how much space the chosen plants will be allocated in the garden
*construct garden supports and fencing
*work cooperatively in groups
The students will understand the basic needs of plants.They will also understand the role of the farmer in a consumer driven economy. An on-going journal will be kept by each student to allow for questions, issues and/or reflections.Technology will be utilized to create presentations and slideshows.


Language Arts
1. Language for Information and Understanding
Students will listen, speak,read and write for information and understanding.
*students will complete a Problem Based Learning Chart
*students will generate questions concerning the planning, execution and maintainance of a vegetable garden
*students will keep a journal based on their experiences during the vegetable garden project

2. Language for Literary Response and Expression
*students will read aloud for accuracy , fluency and for directions

Standard M2  Geometry and Measurement Concepts
M2g  Uses basic ways of estimating and measuring the size of figures and objects including length, width, perimeter and area.
*students will use their concepts of measurement to plan and execute the vegetable garden
Standard M5  Problem Solving and Mathematical Reasoning
M5a  Given the basic statement of a problem situation, the student makes the important decisions about the approach, materials and strategies to use.
*students will plan,measure and build a vegetable garden

Students will:
*communicate their experiences and observations in a variety of ways
*discuss the causes and results of the weather cycle as it has an effect on the Earth
*describe a variety of systems that exist in the world(e.g.water cycle, food chain, food web)
*understand the need for conservation of natural resources
*demonstrate the ability to construct graphs,collect/interpret data and keep records