The Vegetable Garden


Outside Garden
* a variety of tools including but not limited to: shovels, hand troughs, spades
*work gloves (one pair for each student)
*tape measure or yard stick
*small wooden stakes
*fertilizer/plant food (Miracle-Gro or substitute)
*fencing (enough for perimeter of garden)
*plants(to be decided upon by the students)

Inside Garden
*plastic containers with lids
*hand shovels
*fetilizer/plant food
*Plants /seeds

Computer resources
*Grolier Encyclopedia
*Encarta Encyclopedia
*Sierra Software

*www.sprouting. com

*Reason for a Flower-Ruth Heller
*Get Growing-Lois Walker
*Science Book of things that grow-Neil Ardley
*Square Foot Gardening-Jerry Baker
*Complete Indoor Gardener-Michael Wright