The Vegetable Garden

Instructional/Environmental Modification

By using the procedures described previously, a wide range of student abilities including limited English proficiency, English as a second language as well as students with specific disabilities will be addressed. In the event that a plot of land is not available on the school property, large plastic storage bins can be used to grow vegetables. Drainage holes need to be placed on the bottom of the containers and the lids serve as bottoms to catch any runoff. In this project our students have access to a computer room with several banks of computers. In schools without computer labs, a regular classroom can be used where there is a small group of computers. If there is no access to computers at all, the teacher could create several learning centers with a variety of books, tools ,materials and manipulatives. These centers could be used with a  student roster where each student would check off their name after visiting  each location. In this way the teacher would know at a glance who has or has not visited a specific learning center.